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Solution : Webstorm - Code Assistant not working, Unresolved variables or type
2014. 2. 19. 11:13
Symptom : Code assistant do not work out and warings shows.
a. Right-click anywhere in webstorm editor and check some libraries.
I found and tried it.
What the heck.. a. is not saved^^;; It just works only the file I did.
Go this way.
b. I'm not sure if this accounts for your particular situation, however I ran into a similar issue in WebStorm 5.0.4, whereas anything that was required was not auto-completing. I was able to resolve this issue by going into my Project Settings, navigating to JavaScript | Libraries, checking "Node.js Core Modules" and "Node.js Globals", and clicking apply.
( referred to : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13862347/enabling-autocompletion-in-webstorm-for-node-js-modules-installed-via-npm )